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Housing Type Sprinklers
Housing Type Sprinklers


Application areas 
- Housing 
- Office 
- Hotel
- Dormitories.


K Factor: 43, 62, 71, 75, 84, 107
Connection diameter: 1/2” –3/4”
Temperature: 68°C, 79°C
Surface: Brass, Chromed and white painted


K Factor: 58, 60, 84
Connection Diameter: 1/2” –3/4”
Temperature: 68°C, 79°C
Surface: Brass, Chromed White and Black

Hidden Type Pendent

K Factor: 43, 71, 84
Connection Diameter: 1/2”
Temperature: 68°C, 79°C
Surface: Brass

Hidden Pendent Cover Colour: 

Konut tipi sprinkler kapak renkleri

About this product

Housing type sprinklers, design for the need like in residences, houses and dormitories. It helps the construction sector with cost savings. It provides optimum flow features.

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Technical Specification