

Proudly Made in Indonesia

Proudly Indonesia is the company slogan reflecting its pride as an Indonesia company, Company which able to comply with all industry standards and requirements Utilizing as much as possible Indonesian technology and resources.

For companies operating in the upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia, there is a Working Procedure Manual in supply chain management and contract contracting contractors. These working guidelines are issued by the Upstream Oil and Gas Business Executing Working Unit. (SKK MIGAS) with the decision number 007 REVISI-1 / PTK / IX / 2009 which in the daily activities of this guideline is called Working Guideline 007. PTK-007 Revision II / 2011 is a guidance on supply chain management within the Contractor Cooperation Contract (KKKS) Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities in the Territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Guidelines for the Working Procedure of the Supply Chain Management (KKKS) consist of Supply Chain General Provisions, Guidelines for Implementation of Goods / Services, Guidelines on Asset Management, Customs Management Guidelines and Project Management Guidelines. The most basic revision of the PTK-007 Revision I / 2009 lies in the utilization of Production and Domestic Competence which is realized as the level of Domestic Components (TKDN) barag / service where this paramater prioritizes domestic production goods. Please see our corporate qualification section about our TKDN level.

Here you can see the process of valve manufacturing by our local experienced and skilled staffs using as mush as Indonesian resources and technology.


Explore More About SPVMB

Our History

PT. Stainless Steel Primavalve Maju Bersama is a manufacturer and distributor of stainless steel based equipment...


Corporate Qualifications

We are proud of our quality standard and aware of any certification to comply with international standard...


Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Karyawan PT SPV Majubersama

Tentang Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Sebagai bagian dari komitmen perusahaan dalam mencapai nihil kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja, dan pemenuhan peraturan perundang-undangan, SPV menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3).